Day One


So as we all know we are heading into unknown territory where we are losing access to the regular services that support our health. With this unexpected change, we have had to shift the way we offer our service to you and that shift is a socially distanced online program!

So in support of our commitment to staying in touch and keeping you well and healthy during this time, we proudly share and welcome you to our 

FEEL RIGHT, MOVE RIGHT Virtual Health Service

We will be utilising this forum to say hello and bring you all of our important tips to help you stay well, active and as stress free as possible. We hope you enjoy it and even share it with your friends and family because as a community we are all in this together.

Feel Right


Not everyone will have their chiropractor at home in isolation with them like Chris and Cherie do. With an intense week we expect a lot of you may be susceptible to experiencing tension headaches. Although very effective, an adjustment is not the only way of reducing a tension headache.

A tension headache is characterised by pressure and pain wrapping around your head like your head is in a vice grip. You may also experience neck and shoulder tightness and pain. Stress makes this worse.

You can try to reduce your tension headaches by:

  • try acupressure points. Acupuncturist Jasmine has a great video included on what acupressure points to work on

  • drinking more water to re-hydrate 

  • apply essential oil of peppermint and lavender to the temples and back of the neck

  • take your magnesium supplement to help reduce muscle tension and decrease pain

  • drink herbal teas like chamomile to help hydrate and calm

  • epsom salt baths will help relieve muscle tension and help with sleep

Move Right

Movement is important to keep your spine functioning well along with your general health. We typically see a spike in low back pain after winter where there has been an increase in sedentary living. Right now are being confined to our homes and the chance of low back pain peaking may be higher in a couple of months. As much as we can’t wait to get back to work and help you all, we also don’t want to be swamped with too many patients in pain at once when we re-open. So we want to teach you some simple ways to stay active at home. 

But for today, we’re going to suggest to just take it easy and allow yourself to breathe from all this noise that’s around us. Tomorrow we will bring you our first MOVE RIGHT exercise so keep an eye out for it. 
