7 Ways A Remedial Massage Will Make You Healthier

Everyone loves a good massage, but did you know that remedial massages do more than help you relax? Unlike the massages that you might receive at a day spa or beauty salon, a remedial massage is a deep tissue massage that treats injuries in the muscles, tendons, and other soft tissue.

A remedial massage by one of our remedial massage therapists can have numerous health benefits. Here are 7 ways a remedial massage will make you healthier.

Remedial massage helps you sleep better

A good night’s sleep is an essential function and critical to a person’s overall health and a lack of quality sleep can negatively affect your body and brain, potentially leading to health issues. This is where remedial massage comes in. Besides treating aches and pains, remedial massage can reduce muscle tension and promote a deep sense of calm and general well-being, helping you get a better night’s sleep.

Remedial massage reduces stress

While stress contributes to poor sleep, it can also affect you when you’re awake. Remedial massage helps to reduce emotional and physical stress by triggering a relaxation response in the body and the feel-good hormones, endorphins.

Remedial massage improves circulation

If you are one of those people that always has cold hands and feet, it could be due to poor circulation. Remedial massage helps circulation by using pressure to move blood through congested areas. The release of this pressure allows new blood to flow through, which can eliminate muscle pain and help you feel more energised. 

Remedial massage helps you recover from injuries

If you’ve hurt yourself on the sports field, in the gym or at home, a remedial massage therapist can help manage your injuries and recover faster. Because it improves circulation, remedial massage can help repair damaged tissue within the body allowing you to get back on the field, in the gym or feeling better at home. 

Remedial massage improves posture

A common problem in today’s world, poor posture can be caused by a number of lifestyle factors, including sitting in a chair all day, a poorly set up workstation and spending too much time looking down at your phone! But if you’re feeling tight in your neck, shoulders or lower back, remedial massage can help by lengthening the muscles for improved postural alignment.

Remedial massage improves flexibility

Tightness in your muscles can affect how mobile and flexible you are. This can be caused by old age, exercising without properly stretching or exercising at all! Remedial massage relieves tightness in the muscles surrounding your joints, allowing you to move more freely and feel more flexible.

Remedial massage treats a range of health disorders

Suffering from headaches, muscle cramps or whiplash? Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with chronic pain or anxiety? Remedial massage can treat injuries, health disorders and even help manage conditions such as multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and muscular atrophy.

Choose Canning Healthcare as your trusted remedial massage provider in Perth

If you’re interested in seeing how remedial massages can help make you healthier, or want to know if it’s the best massage for you, book an appointment today!

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