Are you looking for sciatica treatment?


Have you felt a sharp pain beginning at your lower back and moving down your legs? Like an electric shock or a tingling sensation? You may have sciatica. 

What’s sciatica? It’s not a condition. Sciatica is actually any pain originating from the sciatic nerve.

The sciatic nerves are two large nerves that run from your lower spine, down your legs and to your big toes. 

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is pinched, compressed or irritated. Sciatica can be a result of an injury or condition that irritates the sciatic nerve. 

Common culprits include a herniated disc, vertebrae compression, lumbar spinal stenosis and tight piriformis (glute) muscle (piriformis syndrome).

Are you experiencing sciatica pain?


Sciatica is pretty common. 10-40% of people will experience it at some time in their lives, and chances increase as you get older. 

Sciatica is usually episodic, lasting up to a few hours at a time. It ranges from moderate to severe pain. The pain will vary for everyone and each episode may be different as well. Flare-ups often go away themselves but can be recurring, which can affect your quality of life. 

Sciatica symptoms:

  • Leg pain

  • Lower back pain

  • Buttock pain

  • Numbness

  • Tingling

  • Electric shock feeling

Can a chiropractor help you with sciatica?


As sciatica is often due to a spinal issue, your chiropractor is the best professional to see.

Chiropractors are spine experts and will get to the root cause of your pain. If you have a herniated disc, for example, this may be the reason for your sciatica so we treat this first.

At your first session, your chiropractor will ask you a series of questions to find out about any existing health conditions. You will then be asked to move in various ways, such as rising from a squatting position or lifting your leg up while you’re lying down to see if these movements cause pain. 

A treatment plan may include:

Do you have sciatica and need pain relief? Talk to a chiropractor.