Day Ten


It's been two weeks since we reopened our doors and boy is it good to be back and seeing your faces again. We have settled into our new groove now and we have detailed below what that will look like for you and your treatment. 

Our practice will be open for appointments during the following times:
Mondays: 1pm to 5pm
Tuesdays: 8am to 12pm
Wednesdays: 8am to 12pm and 2pm to 6pm
Thursdays: 8am to 12pm and 2pm to 6pm
Fridays: 2pm to 6pm
Saturdays: 8am to 12pm 

Appointments can be made directly through our online booking page on our website or via email at or phone the practice on 9455 2959 and leave a message if we are unavailable.

We will be regularly checking voice messages outside of our opening hours so please leave a message and we will return your call.

Your practitioner's availability is as follows:

Chris:  Wednesday and Friday afternoons, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings
Cherie:  Monday and Thursday afternoons, Wednesday mornings 
Russell: Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, Tuesday and Saturday mornings
Shelley: Monday and Friday afternoons, Tuesday and Saturday mornings

Jasmine: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and Tuesday mornings

Remedial Massage Therapist
Back very soon! 

In time we will add more opening hours and practitioner availability. 

Feel Right

Having trouble sleeping?

It wouldn’t be uncommon to be experiencing sleep issues with all that is happening in the world currently. Jasmine demonstrates some excellent acupressure points in this video that may help you with your insomnia. Over the coming weeks, we will offer more sleep tips so be sure to keep an eye out for those. 


Move Right

Seated Sciatic Stretch

Learn a simple stretch to release sciatic tension while seated on a chair. This is great to do regularly throughout the day for those who are prone to low back pain or tightness and sciatica. It's also great for those who are finding themselves sitting more while working from home.