How to Choose the best Chiropractor

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We've all been there. That niggling pain is becoming too much to bear. You know you have to see an expert, but you keep putting it off. You want to find a great chiropractor without the trouble. 

You're spoiled for choice in Perth! There are many talented chiros on the west coast. The downside? You have to do a little work to hunt down the right chiro for you. 

But don't worry, we're here to help. We know a thing or two about what it takes to find a good chiropractor. You could say we're professionals!

Here are 5 tips for finding the best chiropractor for you.

1. Consider chiropractic technique  

Chiropractors use manual and/or non-manual techniques to assist your body to function correctly and heal. Effective manual therapies include Diversified, Gonstead, or Thompson Drop. 

These are the techniques where you hear that audible “pop” sound during your treatment. Many people find this process comfortable, even enjoyable. But for those who prefer to avoid hearing the “pop” sound, many chiropractors offer gentler techniques.

Lighter non-manual therapies include;

  • Sacral Occipital Therapy (SOT)

  • Neuro-organisational Technique (NOT)

  • Neuro-emotional Technique (NET)

  • Activator Technique

  • Flexion-distraction Technique and mobilisation. 

Some chiropractors complement their treatment with soft tissue therapies, such Trigger Point Therapy, Active Release Technique, stretching, and tool-assisted techniques like Graston. 

Many chiropractors use a combination of techniques and will choose how to treat you based on your injury, pain, or illness, as well as other factors. 

The goal of every approach is to improve function and reduced pain. Most chiropractors will list their preferred techniques on their website, and this might be a factor in your choice. 

2. Ask friends and family 

Don't forget to ask your friends and family for recommendations. Many people see a chiropractor regularly and will be able to share their experiences with you. 

Word of mouth is still a great way to find information, and it works online too. Check out listing sites like Health Engine to find the best chiropractor in your area. Facebook groups are also a great way to get quick recommendations. 

3. Get a feel for the clinic 

Personality is a big factor to consider when choosing a chiropractor. You'll be seeing them regularly, so you want to feel comfortable, not just with your chiropractor with the support staff too. 

You can tell a lot from having a sneaky stalk online. For example, does the chiropractic clinic share helpful articles? Does the website give you an idea of the treatment approach? Do their pictures give you a positive impression?

You can get a good sense of a clinic's vibe online. Better yet, you can give them a call and ask them some questions. 

4. Choose by special interest or experience 

You may like to see a chiropractor who can help you with a particular concern. Some chiropractors focus on paediatrics, family, pregnancy, sports rehabilitation, holistic or wellness care.

Some chiropractors have additional university degrees to complement their service, like exercise physiology. These skills may be beneficial to you. Others have extended experience with sporting teams or working with people with disabilities. 

If you have a complex condition, you may like to work with a more experienced practitioner.

5. Consult your doctor

Sometimes we can forget that our GP is there for a reason. So why not find your chiro the old-fashioned way – through your doctor. Your doctor will have a list of approved chiropractors they can refer you to. 

Do you have a chronic illness? Did you know you can get five chiropractic visits annually through Medicare on a Chronic Disease Management Plan? Talk to your doctor to see if you’re eligible. 

Do your research and go with your gut 

Choosing the right chiropractor is a personal decision, and sometimes you have to go with your gut instinct. Do your research, and don't give up. It's time you treat that pesky pain and find the best chiropractor for you.

Meet our chiropractors 

Canning Healthcare takes a holistic approach to wellness and pain management. We treat our patients with compassion, kindness, and care. 

If you would like to get a sense of our clinic, please give us a call on 9455 2959. You can also book online.