Chiropractic care is a great first port of call to help you recover, ideally without the need for drugs or invasive surgery!


Injuries are common among active people of all levels – from professional athletes to amateur runners. Whether your injury has put a stop to your season or is simply hampering your golf swing, our chiropractors and remedial massage therapists are able to get you back to best on ground.

Do you have an injury?


Body contact, fast stops and starts and awkward positions put a great deal of stress on your entire musculoskeletal system. We see a lot of over-use injuries, which are excessive wear and tear due to repetitive movements and actions. Common sporting injuries include joint wear, injuries and strains and sprains in the:

  • Ankles

  • Knees

  • Shoulders

  • Elbows

Or are you looking to perform at your peak?


Boost your speed, strength, flexibility and coordination by getting your body in perfect balance. If you have an imbalance in your spine or muscles, it can throw out the rest of your body. Our chiropractors are able to offer adjustments where required to keep your spine in alignment and your muscles at their optimum, helping you fine tune your body and ultimately achieve your sporting goals.

How Canning Healthcare helps


After an injury, the body often goes into protection mode and other areas of the body will step in to compensate. This is where Canning Healthcare’s holistic approach can assist. We don’t just address the injured area, we are able to use remedial or sports massage, chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture to speed up the recovery of the injury zone as well as treating the areas thrown out by it. 

Our experts are able to develop a customised treatment plans to help treat and prevent future injuries, which may include:

  • Adjustments of joints

  • Strengthening exercises

  • Stretching techniques

  • Remedial massage


Ready to get back in the game? At Canning Healthcare, our experienced team aims to restore you to your personal best as soon as possible.

Call now on (08) 9455 2959 to book an appointment.