Day Thirteen


By now most of you will have a new routine happening during this time. As humans we love a routine, why? Routines decrease the cognitive load. Decreasing cognitive load allows mental space to learn new things, be more switched on, and have more clarity when new challenges arrive.

Creating a routine frees up space in your brain. When you have a constant routine, it becomes a habit. Routines as simple as waking up and going to bed at the same time each day, planning workouts, and pre-booking appointments are all ways to make daily life a tad easier.

We hope our exercises, healthy recipes and weekly tips make their way into your daily routine. 

Remember if you want to access them, you can find them all on our website here

Or speak to your practitioner at your next appointment if you need help with what is suitable for you. 

As the weather gets cooler, we crave warm comfort foods. There is nothing quite like a nourishing curry to fill the belly and warm the soul. Thanks to our Naturopath Kirsty for this recipe.

Feel Right


If you want to chat with Kirsty more about how she can help with your overall health & wellbeing, she will soon be opening online consultations. You can register your interest with her below.


Move Right

Neck Mobility Stretch

Here Shelley demonstrates a neck mobility stretch, this exercise is helpful for patients experiencing a stiff or tight neck with limited movement, sore neck muscles and especially good for those who are sitting for long periods of time at a computer or looking down at their mobile phones.

Feel Right Move Right Library

We will be releasing these regular updates via email and our social media channels, but we will also be keeping them online for you to refer to and share with your friends and family.

Please continue to share your ideas and the type of content that you would like to see and need from us during this time. We always look forward to hearing from you and how you are going.

Strengthening your back, shoulders, and legs will reduce the likelihood of back injury and strengthen your spine to avoid unnecessary strain.